I finally learned Spanish. I had been wanting to for years and years but now thanks to Leisure Audio Books, I have found a way to get closer daily to my goal of becoming fluent in Spanish and French. And the best part about it is that it cost me almost nothing, when compared to lessons and books and private tutors. I just pop in a tape or play a digital recording and I am my way. I personally chose cassette tapes, I just pop the tape into my cars stereo system, start my commute and listen. I am officially learning Spanish in the comfort and privacy of my own personal vehicle.
After only a week or so I can now understand allot of the conversation conducted in Spanish around my jobs water cooler, bathrooms and hallways. Its like I have access to twice as much data input as I did only days ago. I also hear allot more gossip that the tellers feel completely safe reporting in the public; you know what they say about assuming. I am a bit of a stinker as I could have informed them that I speak a bit of Spanish myself, I will when I am a bit better. Maybe. Why did I wait so long? Maybe it was fate and technology has finally gotten to a point where I can use it to my personal interior desires. And when I am not learning Spanish I entertain myself on those half hour rush hour standstills by listening to my favorite author or tv show episode or radio oldie or well just about anything that has ever been printed filmed or broadcast. I just finished a thriller that kept me on edge for 2 days back and forth to work. This is really a great idea, and there are so many titles that even if they never get another new title (they will) I could better myself for years to come. And the course started at about $8.00, how can you procrastinate any longer when the cost of going forward and learning a new language is only $8.00? There is no excuse you can make.
I loved this service so much in fact that I have signed on as an affiliate and some time this month I will be peddling the tapes to my co-workers and friends. I am thinking about a website in the future because this product has got to go through the roof. If you see a lady on your door step with a smile and a briefcase….Let me in.
Take a look at the actual website, you will be amazed.