I routinely go behind my children’s backs and actively snoop. I snoop on them and their friends and associates. Not only don’t I feel bad or in any way wrong, I am proud to do it. This world they are growing up in is not like the one we grew up in. I know their friend’s names, parent’s names, telephone numbers, addresses and license plates numbers. I do this openly and covertly with no guilt what so ever. Many of my friends and family say I am over the top but I believe I am only doing what a good parent should do. If my kids are hanging with criminals or other bad influences, I want to know? If my child is riding around with someone who is likely to drive drunk, I want to know. And I want to know before the police call me at 3am with the worst news of my life or to inform me that my child is in jail. So yes I collect all the information I can on my Childs friends and associates. I think more parents should grow a pair and use them to grow a child. And if my child feels I am nosy asking for the names of who they are leaving with, well they can turn around and stay at home.
I do these things not because I am a nosy, meddling person. I do these things because we are not in mayberry, Andy Griffith is not the sheriff and the criminals don’t run around in black and white striped uniforms and Zorro masks, making them easily identifiable to the good hard working townsfolk. We live in modern times with modern criminals that look just like any other person walking the streets. There are far more threats to mine and my Childs safety. I did not have to worry about perverts on myspace tempting me to get on a bus and meet them somewhere. There have always been dangers to children in the world, but there have never been as many dangerous threats specifically targeting our kids as there is now. Gone are the days of drag racing and beer drinking being parent’s primary worry when kids go out. Welcome to the days of far more extreme and targeted threats to their safety. Gone also are the days when juvenile delinquents wore leather jackets and smoked cigarettes. Welcome to the days when “young criminals” look, act and dress just like fine upstanding children and teen-agers. In this modern world you need a modern tool to add to your arsenal.
There are all kinds of manner of bad situations kids can get themselves into but there are far more situations that can be thrust upon them. I won’t even go into the parents that more than even contribute and pass their bad habits and beliefs onto their children giving them the chance to pass them along to yours. If I let myself think of those things I’d tie my kids up in their rooms never to venture outside until they were adults. But you have to let them grow as individuals, which means that good parents have to worry and get use to worrying. But there are things you can do to ease this burden of worry. You can try to know where they are, who they are with and how to get in touch with them if need be. You can also snoop and make sure they are not using drugs or drink or having unprotected sex. You can also enlist the help of a background check service that lets you check the names, license plates and telephone numbers of their friends and their friends parents, just in case. And the price is less than $30 for an unlimited number of searches during a 3 year period at their website. Even I can use the service, my husband sometimes uses it to check business associates. Call us nosy all you want, but I don’t consider myself a nosy person but there is nothing I would not do to keep my child alive and well and on the right path, and the best part is they never have to know. What would you do?
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