Laid off, outsourced workers fight back by freelancing online.
Put your training and skill to work for you easily online freelancing.
If you read the news any you know that American corporations are laying off and outsourcing many more jobs now. Back in the 90's when everyone was hiring or looking for it personnel millions of us went to school, graduated, found jobs and settles down for the long ride to retirement. Freelancing was a fancy word that not many people talked about, it was in the same genre as mercenary. Y2K came along and changed millions of workers plans. By 2004 the Internet boom was behind us and there were rumors of America's corporate money problems and hints that many of the jobs, our jobs, would be moving to India and China among other places. Well it's 2008 and all our nightmares have come to pass. I got caught up in the world business change and ended up out of a job.
Of course I looked for another job and finally after months found one doing something entirely...let's face it, beneath me and my training and expertise. I am a programmer. I love programming, so needless to say, for me installation leaves something to be desired. I go to work and I do my job to the best of my ability but if the truth were told, I fricken hate my job. It pays the mortgage and car notes but I have no oomf, I routinely hate to go to work. Not seriously hate but the same as when I did not want to go to school as a child. I had to do something and fast. The money I make now is less than half of what I made a few short months ago and I really needed to make some extra money somehow. I could not think of a thing that would fit in my off time. The commute to my regular job took 75 minutes each day and add 8.5 to 9 hours to that and I had no time to go to another gig and live. I have a family to spend time with. But I also have a family that needs extra income.
Well a friend that I attended school with just happened to be in line ahead of me buying groceries and we sparked a conversation that turned to freelancing online from home. He explained that he had been in the same situation as me, being a copywriter. He told me about how after a few years his company downsized him right out of the door. He had a list of people he had done work for and did extra work for them on the side but it just wasn't enough. “They hire writers online from freelancer websites.” Well long story short he had a list of websites where I could make extra money by doing it jobs by contract. The pay wasn't anywhere near mainstream but the flexibility and ability to do it from home in my own time more than made up for it.
Now I have a genuine way to make an extra couple of thousand dollars a month just by doing what I miss doing anyway. I always said that if I couldn't program for a living it would still be my hobby. Now in a way that has come true, the only difference is I get paid for my hobby. And the wife really loves that I have started my own firm. Thats how she says it even though we both know it is just a personal profile page on the biggest and best freelance job website going on online today. I even have a live freelance job feed that is set as my home page. All I have to do to make extra money is open up my browser and scan or search for jobs in my area of expertise. It only took a few jobs before I had regulars who specifically posted jobs for me. I would quit my real job if I didn't need the real world benefits that it provides like health care. But who knows, a few more $8000 projects and I may be able too.
So if your company has out-sourced or down-sized your job into non-existence, take a look at the skilled worker outsource freelance super giant and put your training and skills back where they are supposed to be...IN USE!
Get in the game. Quick and easy to sign up, took me less than 2 minutes. No applications, no waiting list. You will be working and making money in no time. Honestly. D. Harris 3 year freelancing Vet.