When i first started looking for freelance work online, i wanted to work from home, i almost gave up looking for freelance work online. I searched every work from home freelance website i could google, needless to say i got taken for a ride a few times before i figured out that most were and are scams. I am a programmer but i was green on the whole internet thing, meaning i wasn't use to the nuances of scams and all of that sort of thing. I thought i could just signup find freelance projects and make money. Programmers and writers are in demand aren't they? Basically i found out through trial and error that allot of the so called freelance work from home websites and advertisements are scam and not only will they not put money in your pocket but 90% of the time take money from them if you are naive or new.
Luckily for me i came across Huhchu.com Huhchu is a freelance job feed that post hundreds of jobs a day, its like craigslist for programmers, geeks and writers. There are over a quarter million members at any given time. They offer jobs and also offer a place for outsourcers or those looking for someone to do coding or designing, writing or just finishing touches on a website. Basically freelancers live there. I found work that day it only paid $42 to rewrite a few articles for a website but it took me about 35 minutes and paid me from an escrow account set up by the website. Security is impeccable and i have had no issue with payment. The money goes directly into your account and then gets forwarded to your pay-pal account, debit card or home mailbox if you want to take the snail route. They pay several times a month and the wait for cashout is never more than four days, most times it takes two days for me to cash out and then access the money. I am hooked and also making real job money on my own terms. The demand for Good english speaking/writing individuals is awesome.
I signed up 2 years ago and have worked nowhere else since. There are even ways that i make money by doing no work at all. I am a top referrer now and i make 10% of the monies brought in by the jobs of my referrals and the website pays it without affecting my referrals. The actual website pays it out of pro membership fees and listing costs. No party has an extra cost because of my percentage. You can increase your revenue without doing much work. If you join our Affiliate Program, GetAFreelancer.com will pay you a percentage of the fees they charge users you referred. You will earn 100% of all fees or commissions taken from the users. Information about affiliate program can be found on GetAFreelancer Affiliate Program page.
This is the best job i have ever had! I am my own boss and constantly in demand since my buyers have driven my rating through the roof. I invite you to join the internets number 1 resource for finding freelancers and freelance work. Heres the link to find more information. Freelance Jobs or Outsource Jobs now.
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