How to reprogram your failure tendencies while you sleep.
This is going to sound like a sales pitch just because of the nature of the subject matter and the links i must provide to you in case if after hearing about this you want to investigate it further. So yes i guess it is a pitch of sorts, but by way of information.
Less than 2 months ago you could not have paid me to give a speech in front of a group of people. Now i have 2 times under my belt and it seems to be getting better and better, easier and easier for me to stand up in front of people and say what i have to say. No sweats. No stammering. No feeling like i want to run and hide in a closet. I couldn't believe it either so i understand your doubt. But i also know that this kooky disc my brother in-law let me use was the reason.
When he gave it to me i laughed and made jokes, we both did but he swore it worked for him. I took the disc and listened to it in the car on the way home. I laughed at it while i listened to about 3 minutes of it and then i put it in the glove box. There was no way you could possibly listen to that crap for hours was my initial thought. I forgot about it for about a week until my brother asked me how it worked out. I told him and after a few minutes of him explaining why i was a complete idiot he explained to me that i was using them wrong and of course i hated them.
He told me to turn it on when i was near to falling asleep at a low volume and let it play on "repeat" on the player and it would work the first night. Long story short is i did and it did, i let it play every night for the last week and it ..works, worked. I just wish they had a program for poker, they have programs for hundreds of things and i will be a addict for them. I guess i can get a program for program addiction. If you want to see the list of programs or want more information, and i am sure you will, here is the Link you need.
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