I know you are sick of seeing titles like mine all over the Internet, but this one is the real deal. I could tell you that I set up websites and made the perfect keyword phrases, or I could say that I resell a product 2 or 3 hours a day, I could but it would be a great big lie.
I did not make a website or sell a thing, I did it the old fashion way, I earned it. And the best part is no one even knows. Not unless I tell them. I tell a few friends that are geeks like me, we even have a little company set up in the garage. Well it’s more of an office than a company, maybe even a station, its just a few desks and chairs and computers.
But when I started out all I had was my computer in my room, and with just that I started doing out outsource work. I figured if it was good enough for a guy in India to do computer related work at a reduced price, I could too. I signed up at
taskfreelancer.com and I started getting job offers in my email. I would come from school, sort through the emails, look at the prospects, and then bid on the jobs I thought I could do. I lost some and won some, some I really wanted, like this time a guy wanted just a regular business related website designed, just a fancy home page really, but he was willing to pay me $100, I really wanted that one, a hundred dollars for a few hours work at 15, I am master of all at moments like that.
My first job was writing articles, not like this, articles about Google Earth for this blog, I forget the name. I guess they did well, I know I made $75 for 10 articles, the size of this articles first 2 paragraphs. They paid me in pay pal or mail check, but I went completely pay-pal after I got the pay-pay debit visa, now I just transfer the money from the website that I did the work at, they have an escrow where the project money is kept when you make the agreement to do the work. When the job is finished they inform the outsourcer or project manager and release your money. Its perfect, I use the money in the pay-pal with the visa card. Sometimes I send myself a check from pay-pay to myself. I have a good deal of money and I am learning more and more about computers and websites. And building websites and designing my-space layouts, I rack in allot of money, like real job money. It can get addicting and you start always doing jobs so be careful, if you haven’t been outside in a while, go out and play. But man making $50 every day after school in a few hours is hard to resist, you should see my computer I bought. OMG!!
Okay I have told you how to get money from online and into your pocket, but heres where it really gets huge. You can make money by getting friends to make money, and it doesn’t cost them a thing. Say you get your friend to do some programming work through
Taskfreelancer.com, they agree on a price, they do the job, get the money, pay the site a small percentage for the hook-up and you get a certain percentage of the money they paid the site, they get the agreed on price for the job, but you make money too, imagine a $1000 site building job some you signed up did, they make $1000.00 and you make a fat percentage of what the site charged them for the hookup. The commission can be good because the site charges outsourcer and freelancer a small hook-up fee. The fee is small but they probably do 100,000 jobs a month. And if someone goes pro or guru (the listing/bidding fees are less) you get the couple dollars, from the pro status monthly fee. Going pro gets you about 30% more jobs because the outsourcers see that you are dedicated to the job. So by doing what I normally do (screw around on the computer) I make great spending money. Now you know they way teenagers get money on the Internet, how they get rich is another article for another time.
Darius Harris, Milwaukee
Get a little on the side, Be a freelancer.Get better at counterstrike fast.