Do online background checks really work? Paid or free, what’s best? Online background investigations are up 2000% in the last 2 years for one reason: They are now fast, easy and effective.
The answer is yes and it depends on what you really require. If you are looking for general information a free public records search could help. If you are looking for in-depth personal information such as personal financial records or current employment information a paid service is best suited for your needs.
Perform a search in any major search engine for the query “free background check”. You will certainly be overwhelmed with the search results and paid advertisements regarding offers for free background searches. If this is the first time you have attempted to perform a free background check, you may be in for a surprise.
Most investigative firms suggest that you outsource the background checks for your company. This generally means that free background checks do not provide the quality information that you need. Free background checks online do not always give the employer accurate or thorough information required by law. While it is true that most people are not trying to hide information from employers, it is those who have a background of avoiding legal action, whether it be child support obligations or criminal action, by moving from state-to-state or even in more extreme cases, falsifying their identities. Because of the easy access to information, it has made the job of ‘con-artists’ even easier. Often times, free backgrounds checks on the Internet are not enough to screen for potential red flags.
Other experts in the investigation field recommend using searches in public records if the search is not of the most sensitive nature or is not necessarily one that has to be completed immediately. Websites that claim the too-good-to-be true advertising that they offer completely free background checks, are not being completely honest. An accurate and thorough background investigation takes time, and lots of it. This is the reason that private investigators charge a fee. They have access to databases and other areas that retrieves information about the prospective employee. It is usually in the best interest of the employer to dish out the $25+/- in order to: 1.) limit their time spent on endless searches Article Submission, 2.) to ensure accurate and thorough information and 3.) gain peace-of-mind that their decision to hire the applicant is a sound decision.
So in the whole scheme of things the best is usually the paid background search, for time saved and information delivered. There are even really nice places that allow life-time membership with unlimited searches. Here is a list of 3 such places.
Best Net Detectives
Very Good At home detectives
Instant Right now best value3 years unlimited searches $29 flat
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