Friday, August 31, 2007

Online freelance jobs sites: The next big buzz on the web?

Are online freelance job sites the next big internet staplee?

If you can't find online freelance work that you can do from your own computer and you know your way around designing or writing or marketing...then you are an idiot. I know 12 year old kids making $100s of dollars re-writing under 12 copy for childrens websites. Whos going to beat kids talking to kids? And i have seen people make money rewriting website copy for all types of websites. You really can make a decent income doing what you do. when i first thought about becoming a freelance i was leery because i diddnt think i was 133t enough to charge for my small skills. I know allot of guys that can mod and program better than me. Its not about that, its about the multitudes of people that i can write, program and design better than. Millions of people have websites and not one clue what the heck they are doing. I help them save allot of time and money and i do good work. The online freelance jobs niche is going to go supernova very soon and the competition will be staggering. I am glad i have already done a few projects and made a "repp" for what i do. I am gonna be rich when it takes off. And then i won't even have to take projects i will share in the wealth with the site i hooked up with.

What i am trying to tell you is to make money online freelancing you have to go where the jobs are and tell the outsourcer (guy looking to have work done) that you can do the job and how much you would charge. If he likes your price or reputation, or rating, then you will do what you bid on and finish the job. After you have done the job and shown the client the result he accepts and clicks to pay from the retainer the site holds awaiting you completion of the job. So that way you can't get stiffed and they can't get stiffed. The money is digital or direct deposit, you can even get a snail-mail check, old school. This is online at its best, where else can you own the world from your own home? Where else can you work at your own pace? where else can you write or program or design your way to rent and extra money in just a few hours a week? This is the future and will boom soon. Get onboard and secure you place and make some real at home job money without selling a thing. This is real, not a fad.

I have heard enough take me to the job listings so i can find some freelance work!

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