The Best Place To Find Freelance Jobs Online or outsource freelancer jobs. Find Online freelance design jobs feed. Make money online freelancing. Save money by outsourcing. Freelance jobs online earn Extra Income. No need to look for online freelance jobs because it is looking for you right here. Find freelance writing jobs online, find freelance programming jobs online. Step by step articles. Freelance Outsource Network. resources for outsourcers and freelancers. Freelance writing jobs
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Is time and understanding preventing you from outsourcing jobs and saving money?

Start taking advantage of the down economy's only silver lining.
I ask the title question because i can't think of one other logical reason? If you own a business and can get the same amount of work done for half the cost, and don't, what other reason can there be?
There are not many upsides to this global depression but there is one, outsourcing. And the flip side of that is freelancing. If you lose your IT job you can always go on the freelance circuit. Businesses can save a bundle by hiring you to do exactly what you did before for closer to half-price with out having to pay for extras like lunches and health care.
The stock market is down.
Benefit and employee costs are up.
every business on the face of the globe is feeling the world-wide down economy. The smart ones are using outsource resources to save money and increase productivity.
Its like having employees without having employee costs and bebefits. Give them the job, wait for them to finish it, pay them, its that simple. No lunch, no transportation, no lights, no gas.... the list is huge so i won't continue.
I wrote this post for the business owner or website webmasters who were wondering the hows, whys and ins and outs of outsourcing jobs and where and how to find a steady stream of ready and willing, qualified freelancers.
If you want to learn about Outsourcing click here.
If you know about outsourcing and need freelancers click here.
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Friday, December 5, 2008
Why outsourcers succeed more than over achievers.

Why those that outsource succeed more than over-achievers.
There are only two types of people on the planet, managers and entrepreneurs, which one are you?
Managers can take one thing and make it the best it can be.
Entrepreneurs can usually see far more than they can actually accomplish.
managers attempt to do it all themselves.
Entrepreneurs attempt to do it and if they can't find someone who can.
Managers see what concerns their area of expertise.
Entrepreneurs see the big picture but miss allot of the obvious.
Managers are usually management. But always employed.
Entrepreneurs are usually the executives or unemployed.
Some people are a little of both.
Whichever you fall under, manager or entrepreneur you can make a nice amount of money each month as a freelance programmer, writer or graphic or website designer. In this economy what more could you ask for?
Freelancers for outsourcers. Take a look at our setup, over 200,000 strong.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
#1 online business secret: Use others to make more money.

#1 online business secret: Use others to make more money.
If you are an employee of any IT business or even have a web presence i am about to make your life so much easier. High skill Freelancers await your outsourced work.
How would you like to take a portion of your work and pass it along to a competent employee but only have to pay that employee pennies on the dollar for time spent working on your IT work? I just bet you would, well there is a way to do just that, and fast.
At that is exactly what they do. They have over 100,000 freelance writers, designers and coders on their payroll waiting to bid for the right to do you excess work projects. Click the link above to start having free time and being the hero at work.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
How to hire a freelance writer for $1 an article. Secret tactics.

I am amazed that more people, well webmasters and affiliate markets mostly, don't know about this as of yet. Freelance writers for $1 an article, good articles. I have to say that i love to write, i have a few websites and blogs and i enjoy sitting down to write a winning article, especially when they convert visitors into customers, nothing feels that good. But sometimes i just can't keep up, at times like those i buy articles from my secret outsource website.
I usually contract someone to write keyword rich articles for me about whatever subjects, products or niches that i need at the going rate of between $1 and $2 an article in packages of 15-20. It usually takes a few days and i don't have to pay until i am satisfied. The place is called and it is the best place in the world for discount copy-writing, programming and designing freelancers. They have over 250,000 members all competing to do your IT projects. The best part is it costs you nothing.
I would suggest you check them out, right now!
ReWriters Software. 5 Programs In 1! Manage And Create Digital Information Products. Create & Password Protect Pdfs.

Monday, November 3, 2008
Go To Work Without Leaving Home! Become a freelancer.

Become a freelancer today and earn money as a freelancer. Plenty of jobs are just waiting for someone qualified to complete them. The economy is bad so now is the chance to write, program and design with the big boys. If you ever wished you had a chance...the time is now so waste none of it.
There are literally thousands of executives, website owners, business owners, corporate managers and mom and pop retailers entering into the internet arena, they need you because they have no idea of how to take their plans, dreams, hopes and inspirations from brick and morter to status.
It costs you nothing to check the list of thousands of availible projects. What is the reason you are still here instead of at clicking the link below and browsing the huge list of money making work from home freelance jobs at the end of it??
Go to work without leaving home today!!!
How to write with style. Article writing for profit.

In Sum: (read the complete -genius- article by Kurt Vonnegut.)
1. Find a subject you care about
2. Do not ramble, though
3. Keep it simple
4. Have guts to cut
5. Sound like yourself
6. Say what you mean
7. Pity the readers
Friday, October 31, 2008
Freelance job lead websites to use in your freelancing job hunt.

Let me ask you a question: are you tired of using Freelance job sites only to find scam after scam? I bet you're nodding your head in agreement to that question. I know that I was sick and tired of spending all my time online searching for freelance jobs only to find scams. Any type of freelance job site is going to have a few scams, but some sites have more legitimate jobs than others, and some are easier to use than others.
There is one job site that I enjoy, have found the most legitimate jobs from, is the easiest to search through, and has a good variety of jobs. This site is If you've never used this freelance job search website, I would start using it, today if possible!
What makes it such a superior job lead website? Well, let me tell you what I personally like about using it to earn extra income. I like that there is an option to search certain types of jobs only; not many freelance or outsource sites have this option built into their search feature. It's very easy!
I also enjoy that there are so many job categories, and there are some really diverse categories. If you're looking for jobs in designing, programming, promotion, writing or many others, you can find them at
I also enjoy that there are so many freelance projects to search through. If you're looking for writing jobs, there is an option to search that category and many other categories as well.
Tech jobs go fast, so searching everyday at Get a freelancer will be your best bet. You need to jump on the jobs the minute they are listed. Is this going to take time on your part? Of course, but if you're serious about working at home, you will find the time to search everyday for jobs.
Get a freelancer is one of the easiest job search websites I've found, and it's one that I go to in order to find legitimate leads from every single day! My buddies have even started using it to find freelance jobs to make extra money in our crummy economy, and some of them have multiple degrees in programming and writing.
Now get out there and get freelancing!
ReWriters Software. 5 Programs In 1! Manage And Create Digital Information Products. Create & Password Protect Pdfs.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
What is swing trading? What ever happened to day trading?

What is swing trading.
This term is typically used to imply a style where one takes a position for several days to a few weeks. A swing trade might be completed in less than a week, or if the stock consolidates it might take several weeks
Why swing trading and not day trading.
Swing trading the penny stock market is volatile, stocks swing in price massively from hour to hour and day to day. A stock trading at $0.11 could be $0.53 the next day and that kind of price move is not strange or irregular.
This would mean, managing just $300 of capital you could produce a good income. Swing trading the penny stock market, allows you to make a much larger percentage gain (up to 400% in a single day) but on much smaller amounts of capital (usually under $10,000).
We don't aim to make millions of dollars in days (be nice though). But even if we could siphon off $200, $300 or $500 per day. This is a huge amount of money to millions of day/swing traders.
Unconventional Tools
The amazing Day/swing trading robot was able to perform the trades consistently and far better than other software units because this swing trading robot is made specifically for swing trading, in fact is optimized for swing trading, unlike the other brands which are optimized for standard trading.
*This robot has been featured in Business Week and the Wall Street Journal recently.
*This robot has broken the clickbank (online software supplier to over 10 million websites) gravity record and is the first software ever to even approach the 1000 gravity ceiling. This software was at 947 as I write this post.
So get yourself the Only swing trading software designed specifically for swing traders.
3 Tips to successful swing trading penny stocks.
1.Do your research.
2.Is the company (you would invest in) a legitimate business or a shell?
3.Is the company profitable?
View Documentation on this record breaking swing trading robot.
Friday, October 17, 2008
How to reprogram your failure tendencies while you sleep.

How to reprogram your failure tendencies while you sleep.
This is going to sound like a sales pitch just because of the nature of the subject matter and the links i must provide to you in case if after hearing about this you want to investigate it further. So yes i guess it is a pitch of sorts, but by way of information.
Less than 2 months ago you could not have paid me to give a speech in front of a group of people. Now i have 2 times under my belt and it seems to be getting better and better, easier and easier for me to stand up in front of people and say what i have to say. No sweats. No stammering. No feeling like i want to run and hide in a closet. I couldn't believe it either so i understand your doubt. But i also know that this kooky disc my brother in-law let me use was the reason.
When he gave it to me i laughed and made jokes, we both did but he swore it worked for him. I took the disc and listened to it in the car on the way home. I laughed at it while i listened to about 3 minutes of it and then i put it in the glove box. There was no way you could possibly listen to that crap for hours was my initial thought. I forgot about it for about a week until my brother asked me how it worked out. I told him and after a few minutes of him explaining why i was a complete idiot he explained to me that i was using them wrong and of course i hated them.
He told me to turn it on when i was near to falling asleep at a low volume and let it play on "repeat" on the player and it would work the first night. Long story short is i did and it did, i let it play every night for the last week and it, worked. I just wish they had a program for poker, they have programs for hundreds of things and i will be a addict for them. I guess i can get a program for program addiction. If you want to see the list of programs or want more information, and i am sure you will, here is the Link you need.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
How To Be a Freelance Graphic Designer Without Losing Your Mind

Hours and hours looking at the exact same 22 inches of your computer screen is hell, unless you are a graphic designer, then it is a little slice of heaven.
Trying to find freelance design gigs is what is hell, in a nutshell. Craigslist is flooded with hundreds of thousands of designers all fighting for thousands of jobs. There are many people looking for reliable and skilled graphic designers on places such as craigslist, unfortunately there are 10 times that many designers, most of them horrible. And this has caused most of the serious outsourcers to become gunshy at trusting a new designer with their project. Which leads to it being harder for you to showcase your talent at designing.
The only good news is that if and when you manage to find a gig designing and you manage to do a good to excellent job at it, the world is your oyster. Outsourcers are so desperate and tired of hiring freelance designers from tukstanaghanastan that they spread your name around the industry like the name of the sexy aide that puts out on the first date, and trust me they all will have jobs for you. The more work you successfully finish the more successful you will be as a freelance designer. The old experience loop, need experience to get a job, need a job to get experience.
The point of this article is to show you where to get freelance designer jobs easily, the rest is up to you.
Get freelance designer click here.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
The Art of finding jobs freelancing from home online.

Finding freelance work, jobs and projects online is not hard, when compared to finding work in the brick and mortar world. But it is not as easy as the pitches you see posted in the same places that led you to click the link that lead you here. When i say freelance jobs i mean real freelance jobs and projects where you can actually make money enough to live on until you find real work or supplement your income if you already have a steady real world paying gig. And actually find freelance jobs that really pays instead of up and moving away come payday is another story completely. Complete Article
ReWriters Software. 5 Programs In 1! Manage And Create Digital Information Products. Create & Password Protect Pdfs.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Freelance tech jobs you can do from home and still earn a living.

Freelance tech jobs you can do from home and still earn a living. Yea right.
When i was downsized i was for the first time in my life really depressed. I had heard the rumors weeks before i actually got canned, i mean downsized. I left in a state i had not been in mentally for years if i ever was in that mind-state before. I really had no idea what the future held for me or for my career. I just held my head up and laughed it off hoping against hope that one of the places i applied to would come through for me.
I did the expected and looked for work everywhere i could. If they were even rumored to be hiring i was there bright and early. I would guess i applied for every job within a 50 mile radius. I looked uptown, downtown, out of time and even online. At the time i was at my lowest i ran across a website that promised a decent income and could work for myself, "be my own boss" or something similarly worded.
I was willing to try anything, anywhere so i was ripe to try freelancing. I had bills and plans that were inches from falling into the abyss where so many dreams and aspirations of so many end up. I signed up. I went over the jobs and projects available that i had expertise, i picked 10 the first night and bid on them. I got two within 36 hours, i did my thing i made $430 when i was through with the projects, one took 7 hours and the other no lonfer than an hour. I admit it was something a few weeks earlier would have earned me at least $1000. But without the company split i did not do so bad.
I did more and more jobs over time and built up a nice little following.I went pro after i knew i would be there ($12 a month) for a while. I can't even begin to explain how many more projects i got after going pro, best 12 dollars i ever spent. I advise anyone in a similar situation or even a not so bad situation to sign up with Get a freelancer and take off a little pressure. I have found a regular 9 to 5 gig after a time but i still keep my membership up and do jobs just for extra money. They even gave me a debit mastercard so no waiting for checks to come in the mail.
Get a job, make some money, get in the freelance game. Here's the link to the website, at least take a look at what they have to offer.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
What are the qualifications to become an online freelancer?

I remember the first time i thought about freelancing my it skills online, it was intimidating to say the least. I thought to myself, who would hire me to do geek jobs? Well come to find out that there were many people looking for someone like me to help them get more work done. Now that i have been doing it for over 10 years i understand that there are many people out there wanting to become freelancers and start making money online .
I get so many emails and most are questions like... Complete Article
Monday, September 8, 2008
Freelance writing jobs, writing jobs, freelance jobs. Here.

Freelance writers are always looking for new projects and outsourcers, thats just the nature of the beast. I try to make it easier for freelance writers to find and bid on outsourced writer and copywriter projects. I have been at it for years and have become an expert at Outsourcing to India, Romania, Ukraine and many other countries. I unlike others do believe that Americans can get in on this freelance writer money. After all who does it better than America, we do have the best advertising and advertisers. Outsource your project and let freelance writers bid on it.
ReWriters Software. 5 Programs In 1! Manage And Create Digital Information Products. Create & Password Protect Pdfs.
Looking for freelance writer jobs? We have tens of thousands.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
NEW* Search for freelance jobs by type links.
After months of readers requesting that i do this, i finally have. Now you don't have to search through thousands of posted jobs just to find your perfect freelance job to bid for. Have at it.
Audio Services
Banner Design
Cold Fusion
Data Entry
Data Processing
Graphic Design
Handheld / PDA
Legal Advice
Link Building
Logo Design
Market Research
Project Management
Best place to find freelance and outsource jobs and projects to bid for.
Ruby/Ruby on Rails
Script Installation
System Admin.
Video Services
Virtual Reality
Visual Basic
Web Promotion
Website Design
Website Security
Audio Services
Banner Design
Cold Fusion
Data Entry
Data Processing
Graphic Design
Handheld / PDA
Legal Advice
Link Building
Logo Design
Market Research
Project Management
Best place to find freelance and outsource jobs and projects to bid for.
Ruby/Ruby on Rails
Script Installation
System Admin.
Video Services
Virtual Reality
Visual Basic
Web Promotion
Website Design
Website Security
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Laid off, outsourced workers fight back by freelancing online.

Laid off, outsourced workers fight back by freelancing online.
Put your training and skill to work for you easily online freelancing.
If you read the news any you know that American corporations are laying off and outsourcing many more jobs now. Back in the 90's when everyone was hiring or looking for it personnel millions of us went to school, graduated, found jobs and settles down for the long ride to retirement. Freelancing was a fancy word that not many people talked about, it was in the same genre as mercenary. Y2K came along and changed millions of workers plans. By 2004 the Internet boom was behind us and there were rumors of America's corporate money problems and hints that many of the jobs, our jobs, would be moving to India and China among other places. Well it's 2008 and all our nightmares have come to pass. I got caught up in the world business change and ended up out of a job.
Of course I looked for another job and finally after months found one doing something entirely...let's face it, beneath me and my training and expertise. I am a programmer. I love programming, so needless to say, for me installation leaves something to be desired. I go to work and I do my job to the best of my ability but if the truth were told, I fricken hate my job. It pays the mortgage and car notes but I have no oomf, I routinely hate to go to work. Not seriously hate but the same as when I did not want to go to school as a child. I had to do something and fast. The money I make now is less than half of what I made a few short months ago and I really needed to make some extra money somehow. I could not think of a thing that would fit in my off time. The commute to my regular job took 75 minutes each day and add 8.5 to 9 hours to that and I had no time to go to another gig and live. I have a family to spend time with. But I also have a family that needs extra income.
Well a friend that I attended school with just happened to be in line ahead of me buying groceries and we sparked a conversation that turned to freelancing online from home. He explained that he had been in the same situation as me, being a copywriter. He told me about how after a few years his company downsized him right out of the door. He had a list of people he had done work for and did extra work for them on the side but it just wasn't enough. “They hire writers online from freelancer websites.” Well long story short he had a list of websites where I could make extra money by doing it jobs by contract. The pay wasn't anywhere near mainstream but the flexibility and ability to do it from home in my own time more than made up for it.
Now I have a genuine way to make an extra couple of thousand dollars a month just by doing what I miss doing anyway. I always said that if I couldn't program for a living it would still be my hobby. Now in a way that has come true, the only difference is I get paid for my hobby. And the wife really loves that I have started my own firm. Thats how she says it even though we both know it is just a personal profile page on the biggest and best freelance job website going on online today. I even have a live freelance job feed that is set as my home page. All I have to do to make extra money is open up my browser and scan or search for jobs in my area of expertise. It only took a few jobs before I had regulars who specifically posted jobs for me. I would quit my real job if I didn't need the real world benefits that it provides like health care. But who knows, a few more $8000 projects and I may be able too.
So if your company has out-sourced or down-sized your job into non-existence, take a look at the skilled worker outsource freelance super giant and put your training and skills back where they are supposed to be...IN USE!
Get in the game. Quick and easy to sign up, took me less than 2 minutes. No applications, no waiting list. You will be working and making money in no time. Honestly. D. Harris 3 year freelancing Vet.
Friday, August 22, 2008
Just because its free time doesn't mean it can't pay you.

I make about $1500 -2000 a month from my freelancer account. I was employed the day i signed up. If you can write, program or design i would at least investigate this resource. Free time can pay. Own boss type of set-up. Turn your free time to paid in minutes.
Check out the website.
Get Paid to write articles.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Top Ten Freelance jobs feed. Updated in real time.
Top Ten Freelance jobs feed. Updated in real time.
How to get paid to write freelance articles.

I know you are sick of seeing titles like mine all over the Internet, but this one is the real deal. I could tell you that I set up websites and made the perfect keyword phrases, or I could say that I resell a product 2 or 3 hours a day, I could but it would be a great big lie. All i do is write articles and get paid. Give it a try.
Get paid to write freelance Articles.
Get Paid to be a Geek. Freelance Jobs.
Monday, August 18, 2008
Milwaukee School of Engineering worst school according to forbes.
MSOE came in dead last in poll of best schools in america given by Forbes. They are also one of the highest priced schools.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Error Nuker now free. Fixes most windowns errors instantly.

I actually bought this software before it went free. Worth it for $29, really worth it for free.
Free error fixing software download. #1 app
Saturday, July 26, 2008
How to find at home online jobs fast, regular and easy.

A few years back i needed a job in the worst possible way. I filled out application after application and couldn't find any with the hours i needed. After what seemed like forever looking in the real world i took my search online. I am pretty good at what i do, programming and graphic design, i just needed flexible, actually, very flexible hours and a place that paid me per programming or design jobs. Basically i wanted to be a freelancer.
I tried just about every job monster type website and freelance website on the internet while at the same time writing articles and trying to put the finishing programming, coding and design touches on my own website. It was hell without the free heat and bills were piling up on me and the kids. I had recently went through a divorce and my wife was the main bread winner (mutual decision) until i got the website up and generating enough visitors to make money or to sell, yea she really left me at a bad time. I had a bit of a nest egg but 2 kids eat nest eggs like hyenas.
I finally ran across a website that turned out to be a godsend it was called The website actually worked and allowed me to make enough to pay some bills and stuff and it was also a place i could do exactly what i could do when i wanted to do it. This website let me pick from thousands of freelance programming, writing and design jobs a day and even have first crack at previous employers. The best part was that they actually paid when they were supposed to. I went pro and doubled my jobs, i have to say that was the best move because it showed potential customers i wasn't an amateur. Best $12 i ever spent. I made money on my free account but going pro paid for itself in a day. No more fly by nights. They had regular mail checks, paypal electronic transfers and even a debit card that let me get my earnings from any ATM in the country. Its been years since my time of need and my website has been sold and i am doing pretty good but i still have my account open and still get a few jobs a week at I will not burn that bridge because i have hundreds of people under me and my "regulars" need me.
If you are serious about earning income from home and have a computer related skill you can really make a good living from your living room in your own business very easily. You do however have to work hard and do good work but if you can't no customers will let you know very quickly.
Give a look-see, you will not be sorry. Takes less than a minute to signup but you will need hours to go through all the "help wanteds posted." Get a job today.
Sunday, June 29, 2008
3 ways to earn money as a freelancer working from home.

When i first started looking for freelance work online, i wanted to work from home, i almost gave up looking for freelance work online. I searched every work from home freelance website i could google, needless to say i got taken for a ride a few times before i figured out that most were and are scams. I am a programmer but i was green on the whole internet thing, meaning i wasn't use to the nuances of scams and all of that sort of thing. I thought i could just signup find freelance projects and make money. Programmers and writers are in demand aren't they? Basically i found out through trial and error that allot of the so called freelance work from home websites and advertisements are scam and not only will they not put money in your pocket but 90% of the time take money from them if you are naive or new.
Luckily for me i came across Huhchu is a freelance job feed that post hundreds of jobs a day, its like craigslist for programmers, geeks and writers. There are over a quarter million members at any given time. They offer jobs and also offer a place for outsourcers or those looking for someone to do coding or designing, writing or just finishing touches on a website. Basically freelancers live there. I found work that day it only paid $42 to rewrite a few articles for a website but it took me about 35 minutes and paid me from an escrow account set up by the website. Security is impeccable and i have had no issue with payment. The money goes directly into your account and then gets forwarded to your pay-pal account, debit card or home mailbox if you want to take the snail route. They pay several times a month and the wait for cashout is never more than four days, most times it takes two days for me to cash out and then access the money. I am hooked and also making real job money on my own terms. The demand for Good english speaking/writing individuals is awesome.
I signed up 2 years ago and have worked nowhere else since. There are even ways that i make money by doing no work at all. I am a top referrer now and i make 10% of the monies brought in by the jobs of my referrals and the website pays it without affecting my referrals. The actual website pays it out of pro membership fees and listing costs. No party has an extra cost because of my percentage. You can increase your revenue without doing much work. If you join our Affiliate Program, will pay you a percentage of the fees they charge users you referred. You will earn 100% of all fees or commissions taken from the users. Information about affiliate program can be found on GetAFreelancer Affiliate Program page.
This is the best job i have ever had! I am my own boss and constantly in demand since my buyers have driven my rating through the roof. I invite you to join the internets number 1 resource for finding freelancers and freelance work. Heres the link to find more information. Freelance Jobs or Outsource Jobs now.
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Help your dog live longer. Increase your pets life span.
This video will Help your dog live longer. Increase your pets life span.
I don't usually upset my blogs mission to get jobs to programmers but i had to post this video. I don't have all the details but the website has much more.
A secret multi-billion dollar conspiracy may be responsible for up to 87% of premature dog deaths in the US.
See the truth in this video! If you love your dog, watch this video and learn the secrets it reveals. They can make the difference between life and death for your dog.
* Extend your Dogs Lifespan
* Provide your dog with a healthier life
* Provide your dog with the healthiest food
* Protect your dog from the 4 D’s
* Help your dog live longer.
* Help your dog live healthier.
If you care about your dog and want your pet to live longer please read the information over at Dog Food Conspiracy and increase your dogs lifespan.
I don't usually upset my blogs mission to get jobs to programmers but i had to post this video. I don't have all the details but the website has much more.
A secret multi-billion dollar conspiracy may be responsible for up to 87% of premature dog deaths in the US.
See the truth in this video! If you love your dog, watch this video and learn the secrets it reveals. They can make the difference between life and death for your dog.
* Extend your Dogs Lifespan
* Provide your dog with a healthier life
* Provide your dog with the healthiest food
* Protect your dog from the 4 D’s
* Help your dog live longer.
* Help your dog live healthier.
If you care about your dog and want your pet to live longer please read the information over at Dog Food Conspiracy and increase your dogs lifespan.
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Saturday, June 7, 2008
How to freelance or outsource online for extra money or to save.

How to freelance or outsource online for extra money or to save money on a website programming project.
Outsourcers you can increase your revenue without doing much work. We can help you find freelance programmers, Web Designers and Copywriters. Outsource programming jobs to India, Romania, Ukraine or any other country. Find out why we have thousands of successfully outsourced programming jobs. Post your outsourced programming jobs today! We can offer freelance programmers, interpreters and graphic designers the ability to work independently. As a freelancer you can choose among hundreds of outsourced programming jobs. Join free and pay only a small commission.
Find Freelance Programmers, Web Designers and Freelance Writers for your next project. Outsource programming jobs to your home country or to countries where labor is cheap. Post a project for free and start receiving bids within minutes. Grow your online or website business and achieve a greater return on investment by using Our reliable freelancers. One of the main advantages of is the low labor cost. The typically rates are about seven times lower than the ones in the US or Europe. Posting a project at allows the right professional or company to find you and to bid for your work. We are building a reputation for exceeding our customers' expectations and for becoming an extremely cost effective way to outsource work. Use when you want to save money, increase efficiency or accelerate the development of your project. With you focus on growing your business and let others do the tedious work. Post your project on for free. Find out why people outsource programming jobs with us day after day.
See the world from space, right from your computer. Now.
Download Google Pack With Google Earth now.
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Important Considerations Before Outsourcing freelance projects online
Important Considerations Before Outsourcing
If you are thinking about outsourcing a project online for the first time, you probably have a lot of questions and concerns. Deciding on whether to try outsourcing can be difficult if you don't understand what the process entails. This article will explain how the process of outsourcing works to help you better understand what to expect.
Seek out qualified programmers
As you can imagine, selecting a qualified programmer for the job is of utmost important. The whole process will go a lot smoother if you have someone who is capable, motivated, and adheres to deadlines. You will have to post ads with details of your project and then wait for candidates to bid or your job or apply. You will quickly see that people are not hesitant to apply even though they have no experience or are not qualified. Be sure to plainly state your requirements in your job ad to attract the right kind of candidate but also know that you will need to carefully screen the applicants and toss out those that are not qualified. Be sure to review samples and feedback if available. Do not rely upon the price quote alone as fully competent workers might bid lower if they live in a country with a lower cost of living or are just starting out. On the other hand, just because someone quotes a high price, it does not mean that their finished product will be of high standards.
Clearly define project requirements
It is also vitally important that you clearly lay out the exact results you want to obtain from the contract worker that you select. Avoid any confusion and misunderstanding by defining your requirements up front. Since the worker is not part of your organization, they are unaware of your normal way of doing things and what you take for granted is not known by them unless you spell it out. Also be sure to maintain close contact and review the work as it progresses to make sure your project stays on track.
Issue a firm project deadline
Make sure the programmer knows even before selected, when the project must be completed. To ensure the project moves along as necessary, set milestone deadlines along the way. This is particularly important because you can be assured that the project is progressing as it should and is on track to be completed by deadline.
The above three points are the most important to work out clearly before you post your project. If you keep those in mind, then your outsourcing experience should be a good one. Remember that you must carefully screen your bidders/applicants to select the most qualified (do not rely upon their price quote alone) and make sure that you clearly define the project requirements and set a firm deadline. It is also equally important to keep close tabs to verify that indeed the work is progressing as agreed upon and is up to your standards.
Best place to find outsource programmers
Friday, May 23, 2008
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Monday, May 19, 2008
How to beat traffic tickets and reduce speeding fines.

When you go to court to contest a traffic violation, all of the odds are against you. Whether it may be passing a red light, or speeding on a local street, if you aren’t prepared to fight your case, then expect only for the worst. I have written up this guide for you to let you know every trick and trap along the way in order to successfully appeal your ticket. Almost all guides that are out there will only focus on how to beat a speeding ticket. What’s special about my guide is that it just doesn’t cover only how to beat a speeding ticket, but also how to beat virtually any kind of other ticket as well, including driving too slowly, failure to stop at stop signs, making dangerous turns or lane changes, tailgating, failure to yield to other vehicles, 4-way stop intersection violations, failure to yield to pedestrians, failure to stop at stop signs, and even ways on how to get yourself out of having an open container while driving!
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This ebook is instantly delivered and worth the $2 i am charging. These tips, tactics and advice will come in handy .
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Web Design and Programming jobs, projects feed.
Web Design and Programming. Freelance Programmers. Outsource Web Development Outsourcing
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Computer Training for Beginners and newer users.

Basic Computer Training
Despite the widespread use of computers, there are still some people who do not have enough knowledge about how computers work and how to operate them. The computer is now an indispensable tool in almost every aspect of modern culture. It is thus desirable to provide for basic computer training for people such as these. Basic computer training will benefit both these individuals and the organizations they work for. Many institutes and websites offer comprehensive computer training for beginners.
Computer Training Courses
The courses will introduce the trainee to the personal computer and how to operate it using the mouse and keyboard. The differences between hardware and software, and between operating software and applications software, will be clearly defined. The trainee will learn to use the Internet, for email and searches. All aspects of equipment safety and Internet security shall be taught in this course.
After a few sessions for briefings on the proper use and handling of computers, beginners will spend more time in hands-on training, learning how to use the computer themselves. They are taught fundamental knowledge about operating systems, and the various hardware and software necessary to run the computers. Some discussions on basic Internet protocols for beginners will be included. Depending on individual needs and requirements, more training will be given on other useful programs, particularly the Microsoft Office suite.
Objectives of Computer Training
After finishing the computer training for beginners, the trainee is expected to know how to operate the computer, that is, open and close the machine themselves, and know how to manipulate the mouse and keyboard. They should be able to run a word processing program and to retrieve, write, edit, send and reply to email. The trainee must know how to access the Internet and conduct searches for needed information. They must also be able to name and identify the main hardware components, and enumerate the software installed in the computer.
After the training, they should know what is necessary to perform the required jobs on the computer without needing any help from others. It is expected that the trainee will so enjoy the learning experience derived from the computer training course that there will be strong inducement to continue practicing use of the computer. Constant practice in order not to forget the lessons learned should be instilled in the trainees. There should be encouragement for them to come in for practical computer training refreshers at regular intervals.
Computer training for beginners can give trainees the capability to operate computers and use the Internet independently. The training design is adjusted according to age group and qualifications. Such computer training will greatly benefit organizations, thus they should be willing to support training in computer skills for their people.
Over 300 Computer Training articles free for the reading.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Use This Robot to Earn Thousands of Dollars in the stockmarket.

I was searching through my favourite forum yesterday when I came across a post. The post was by a user who goes by the username "chronus".
But what he said in his post was very interesting. Braggingly he talked about how he stumbled across a website 2 weeks ago. The website was about a newsletter called "Doubling Stocks".
This newsletter has been running for years and the average return of each stock is 105.67%. "Chronus" went on to explain how he'd invested in the last 3 stocks recommended and had so far earned $1937.24
He told everyone, on Sunday evenings he: Opens his emails, Downloads the latest stock recommendation... then watches as his investment doubles in the next few days.
Other users of the forum, asked him of the web address where they could subscribe to this service. He declined.
He also posted again saying how he was luckily in the last 500 subscribers allowed. And how only 86 spaces were left as he posted. But he said he wouldn't let go of this secret.
Without high expectations I emailed him through the forum. Unlike others in my email I was calm and pleasant. I didn't demand the address of this website. Within a few hours of talking to him over emails, we had started to forge a friendship. He honestly is a very nice guy.
In one of his emails he told me there were only 54 places left to be a newsletter subscriber. And right there under that sentence was the link.
I immediately clicked onto the website, still 39 places left, I signed up and awaited my first stock pick.
Thank God He Told Me...
DoublingStocks Is A Goldmine
Right now I've got $867.98 in my Scottrade account, after an innitial investment of $300.00. This newsletter is awesome. I then rang round all my friends and loved ones, telling them to get to the nearest pc and subscribe for their own place.
Next I decided I would email you guys. The stickler is my email list (you) has nearly 50,000 subscribers. And guess what? There are only 24 places left to become a subscriber as I write this.
Which means there is a very very slim chance, you can actually get your hands on this. So if you can bare it click on the below link and scroll to the bottom. It should say in big black letters how many subscriber spaces left. If it's above 0, you're in luck. I'd advise you to scroll to the top of the page and read it all:
Click here to start making a living.
Then sign up, place your first trade, and start living!
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Latest 50 freelance jobs for writing, designing and programming.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
The step by step how to become a work at home freelancer guide.

First, you get a freelance profile on one of the many freelance websites and offer your writing services. Registration is free and you can get started in as little as 5 minutes!
You’ll get proven strategies, tips and tactics to use to build your profile for maximum response… I’ll show you which freelance sites are the best to use, and the ones to avoid.
Then, after your profile is created, you begin the bidding process (explained in detail) and if you follow everything step by step as outlined in the 6 Figure Freelancer manual you would be writing your first assignment within 48 hours.
There is huge variety of assignments you could choose from..writing small articles, ebooks, editing , article rewriting and much more. And don’t worry, if you can write at a basic ninth-grade level, this would be a piece of cake for you.
Once done you send the completed project to your client. And finally… this is the best part… you get to deposit your profits into your bank account! That’s it… nothing more to do.
Take a look at the info page and start making income.
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